Green Infrastructure Practices at Work
Do green infrastructure (GI) practices really work right here in the Lower Hudson Region? Yes! The Soil and Water Conservation Districts that form our Coalition have installed many GI practices and are watching them thrive.
Click on the practice types below to see videos of working projects and learn more about how to use them yourself to manage stormwater while providing other benefits like shade, wildlife habitat and natural beauty.
Please feel free to contact your County Soil & Water Conservation District for more information on green infrastructure. Your District can also lend you a DVD of "Green Infrastructure in the Lower Hudson Region: A Tour of Working Practices," which includes all seven video segments.
Rain Gardens & Bioretention
Porous Pavement
Rain Barrels
Stormwater Planters
Stream Buffer Restoration
For more examples -- we recommend the Hudson River Estuary Program's Green Infrastructure Examples website.
For technical resources -- visit the Hudson Valley Regional Council's Green Infrastructure website.
For specific guidance -- go to Chapter 5 of the NYS Stormwater Management Design Manual.
For funding resources -- check out the LHCCD's "Grant Funding Opportunities for GI Retrofit Projects."
The LHCCD is grateful to the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation who provided funding for this video tour from the Environmental Protection Fund through the Hudson River Estuary Program in partnership with the New England Interstate Water Pollution Control Commission. Thank you!