The Lower Hudson Coalition of Conservation Districts is comprised of ten soil and water conservation districts working together to conserve water quality and natural resources in the Hudson River Estuary watershed.
The counties of Albany, Greene, Columbia, Ulster, Dutchess, Orange, Putnam, Rockland, Westchester and NYC each have a soil and water conservation district. Each district's professional staff work with public and private landowners to protect and enhance water quality, reduce erosion, prevent pollution and preserve natural resources.
As a Coalition, we work to educate and act on a regional scale to keep our waters clean.
The counties of Albany, Greene, Columbia, Ulster, Dutchess, Orange, Putnam, Rockland, Westchester and NYC each have a soil and water conservation district. Each district's professional staff work with public and private landowners to protect and enhance water quality, reduce erosion, prevent pollution and preserve natural resources.
As a Coalition, we work to educate and act on a regional scale to keep our waters clean.
Stormwater Conference
Green Infrastructure Resources
Green infrastructure practices direct stormwater into soil and plants, helping to slow the flow and filter pollutants out of runoff. Learn how these techniques are working here in the Lower Hudson region by visiting our Green Infrastructure page to view locally-filmed videos of working green infrastructure practices.
NEW! Planning Board Guide for Reviewing Stormwater in Site Designs
NEW! Planning Board Guide for Reviewing Stormwater in Site Designs
Green Infrastructure Funding Directory
The LHCCD is pleased to bring you a listing of many available funding sources that can be used for green infrastructure retrofits:
Green Infrastructure Retrofit Funding Opportunities
Green Infrastructure Retrofit Funding Opportunities